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Phased Array / Advanced Techniques

Ultrasonic testing

Principle of the method Phased Array "Phased Array"

The phased array technology is the use of translators divided into several small elementary translators and excite each of these elementary translators with a standard time (delay) that will create a bundle by constructive interference. We can create sloping beams or focused in contact with translators on straight surfaces. By modifying a shot at the other delays, the beam can be moved, or changed in its direction. This creates a phenomenon of "sweeping" which is either a linear scanning or sector scanning. In addition, it can be superimposed to electronic focusing without moving the probe or without adapting its entrance surface. These technologies are taken directly from the medical technology and have been adapted to industrial problems and industrial materials.

In the inspection of welds, technical checks "Phased Array" has the advantage of eliminating the movement back and forth Traditional translator. Indeed, the latter is replaced by an electronic scanning using e.g. translators having 64 elements which will cover all of the weld. Another interesting element is to replace the controlled successive impacts (45 °, 60 °, 70 °) with a single pass with a sector scan that will cover all angles between 45 ° and 70 ° for example.

Schéma de la technique Phased Array - SOFRANEL

The large number of generated data visualization makes it useful as imaging. Several types of imaging may be generated by a control "Phased Array". First S-scan (or sector scan) which is a type of imaging BScan (cutting) using electronic axis as a mechanical axis. That is to say that if one parameter control "Phased Array" in sector scan the sscan type of imaging is a section in the translator with different control angles. It is this type of imaging that is commonly used in medical ultrasound.

Capture d'écrran pour la technique Phased Array - SOFRANEL

If the scanning setting is performed in linear scanning mode, the type of imaging sscan will represent the section under the translator with an angle of refraction or not depending on the configuration used.

Such imagery may be enriched with a CsCAN type imaging using a detection gate and optionally an encoder for obtaining an image to scale. This provides full traceability of the inspected part and get the assurance that the audit was conducted in all respects. The two examples above show the images obtained on the welds in sector scan or linear scan, this allows to inspect a large volume in a short time.

Data Storage and Display

The veo is a truly rugged device designed for construction use, portable, self-contained, which makes it easy to make acquisitions in the most difficult conditions.

The veo allows easy creation of acquisitions "Phased Array" and analyze them quickly. It is not necessary to be an expert ultrasound phased array for use VEO, the operator interface being adapted to traditional UT operators. The images obtained can be encoded images for which a precise positioning of the position of the information and their length will be possible. An integrated calibration specific utility to veo allows the use of detection criteria and acceptability usually used in traditional ultrasonic testing. On the other hand, veo design that all the information is stored, and the operator can "replay" the acquisition sequence and confirm with the present-Scan information sscan images, or BScan CsCAN are consistent or not. Finally, veo integrated reporting tools allow you to quickly edit a report.

Veo can also be used as a conventional ultrasound apparatus for performing controls according to the conventional IS 319-21 for example. This feature is useful especially when acceptance criteria are not defined. Some codes such as ASME 2235-7 have already validated the method "Phased Array" in lieu of radiography. The same apparatus can be used to perform a control by TOFD method.

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