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Multi-element probes Sonatest offer many possibilities with a wide choice. Three families are available:

  • Integrated cable X series probes which have the advantage of being more economical while providing excellent performance
  • DAAH series probes detachable cable which have the advantage of having an interchangeable cable as the traditional single-element probes
  • Handy wheel probes for acquisitions composite or corrosion mapping. All these probes are compatible with most multi-market elements equipment

Multi-element ultrasound - phased array

The multi-element ultrasound technology is a powerful technology directly inspired medical technology. It generates multiple angles simultaneously and see real-time images on a screen. It is extremely fast detection as a localized indication appears as a 'spot' on the screen. It is also accurate for sizing and positioning thanks to the many possible views and measurement cursors. The covered volume is more understandable and inspections can be recorded.

The multi-element technology is the use of translators divided into several small elementary translators and excite each of these elementary translators with a time lag (delay) that will create a beam. By modifying a shot at the other delays, the beam can be moved, or changed in its direction. This creates either a 'scanning linear, a' scan 'sector.

X1 Series - miniature and sub-miniature sensors

X1 range is small probes for aerospace, limited access to jobs. Key applications include monitoring 'scribe line' for manufacturers and aerospace companies.

Tranducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchActive surfaceElévationCableDescription
X1PE5.0M10E0.6PIX2505 MHz100.6 mm6 x 55 mm2,5 mMiniature
X1PE5.0M10E0.6PIX5005 MHz100.6 mm6 x 55 mm5 mMiniature
X1PE10M10E0.6PIX25010 MHz100.6 mm6 x 55 mm2,5 mMiniature
X1PE10M10E0.6PIX50010 MHz100.6 mm6 x 55 mm5 mMiniature
X1PE10M16E0.3PIX25010 MHz160.3 mm5 x 55 mm2,5 mSub-miniature
X1PE10M16E0.3PIX50010 MHz160.3 mm5 x 55 mm5 mSub-miniature
Référence sabotsDescription
X1-SB54-N0LSabot plan 0° pour sonde miniature X1, épaisseur 20mm.
X1-SB54-N55SSabot 55° ondes transversales pour sonde miniature X1
X1-SB54-N60LSabot 60° ondes longitudinales pour sonde miniature X1
X1-SB55-N0LSabot plan 0° pour sonde sub-miniature X1, épaisseur 20mm
X1-SB55-N55SSabot 55° ondes transversales pour sonde sub-miniature X1
X1-SB55-N60LSabot 60° ondes longitudinales pour sonde sub-miniature X1

X2 series - Probes for general applications

Compact probes of general purpose design, suitable for sector scanning applications.

Transducer reference
Nb éléments
Active surface
5 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
2,5 m
5 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
5 m
7,5 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
2,5 m
7,5 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
5 m
10 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
2,5 m
10 MHz
0.6 mm
10 x 10
10 mm
5 m
Référence sabots
Sabot plan 0° pour sonde X2, épaisseur 20mm.
Sabot 45° ondes transversales pour sonde X2
Sabot 60° ondes longitudinales pour sonde X2
Sabot 60° ondes transversales pour sonde X2

X3 series - wide Probes

These sensors are ideal for line scan applications (L-Scan or E-Scan). They can also be used for sector scans (S-Scan). These probes are particularly suitable to perform scans' multigroup '' for enabling the devices.

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchActive surfaceElévationCableDescription
X3PE2.2M48E0.8PIX2502,25 MHz480.8 mm39 x 88 mm2,5 mLinéaire
X3PE2.2M48E0.8PIX5002,25 MHz480.8 mm39 x 88 mm5 mLinéaire
X3PE3.5M64E0.6PIX2503,5 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm2,5 mLinéaire
X3PE3.5M64E0.6PIX5003,5 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm5 mLinéaire
X3PE0.5M64E0.6PIX2505 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm2,5 mLinéaire
X3PE5.0M64E0.6PIX5005 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm5 mLinéaire
X3PE10M64E0.6PIX25010 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm2,5 mLinéaire
X3PE10M64E0.6PIX50010 MHz640.6 mm39 x 88 mm5 mLinéaire
Référence sabotsDescription
X3-SB57-N0LSabot plan 0° pour sonde X3, épaisseur 20mm.
X3-SB57-N45SSabot 45° ondes transversales pour sonde X3
X3-SB57-N45LSabot 45° ondes longitudinales pour sonde X3
X3-SB57-N55SSabot 55° ondes transversales pour sonde X3
X3-SB57-N60LSabot 60° ondes longitudinales pour sonde X3
X3-SB57-N60SSabot 60° ondes transversales pour sonde X3

X4 Series - Miniature sensors with integrated shoe

An equivalent conventional design with corner single element translators.
A good choice when a compact bundle is required.

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchActive surfaceCâbleDescription
X4PE2M8E1.0P35WIX2502 MHz81 mm8 x 92,5 mLinéaire
X4PE2M8E1.0P35WIX5002 MHz81 mm8 x 95 mLinéaire
X4PE4M16E0.5P35WIX2504 MHz160.5 mm8 x 92,5 mLinéaire
X4PE4M16E0.5P35WIX5004 MHz160.5 mm8 x 95 mLinéaire

X5 Series - Medium Probes - AWS, high temperature and high penetration

Probes high energy low frequency for applications where penetration must be deep enough and more general inspections.

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchActive surfaceCâbleDescription
X5PE2.2M16E1.0PIX2502,25 MHz161 mm16 x 162,5 mLinéaire
X5PE2.2M16E1.0PIX5002,25 MHz161 mm16 x 165 mLinéaire
X5PE5.0M16E1.0PIX2505 MHz161 mm16 x 162,5 mLinéaire
X5PE5.0M16E1.0PIX5005 MHz161 mm16 x 165 mLinéaire
Référence sabotsDescription
X5-SB58-N0LSabot plan 0° pour sonde X5, épaisseur 25mm.
X5-SB58-N60SSabot 60° ondes transversales pour sonde X5
X5-SB58-N60LSabot 60° ondes longitudinales pour sonde X5
SW6260HTSabot 60° haute température pour sonde série X5 (ou traducteur Sonatest 5/8x5/8’’ (vis au pas américain))
SNW6260Sabot 60° ‘snail’ pour sonde série X5 (ou traducteur Sonatest 5/8x5/8’’(vis au pas américain))


The sensors are available as standard with IPEX connector (for VEO or Omniscan) and a 2.5m cable length. They can be supplied with 5m cable with a larger delivery.

Hooves (except X4 series) are fixed by 2 or 4 screws.

The hooves are defined by the refracted angle, typically:
  • For longitudinal waves: 18-20 ° cutting angle corresponds to a refracted angle of 50-60 °
  • For transverse waves: 33-38 ° cutting angle corresponds to a refracted angle of 50-60 °

Multi-element ultrasonic probes series DAAH

Detachable cable probes

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchSabôtDescription
T1-PE-2.25M20E1.2P2,25 MHz201,2 mm-Linéaire
T1-PE-2.25M14E1.2P-35WOD2,25 MHz141,2 mmIntégré 35°Linéaire
T1-PE-2.25M19E1.2P-17WOD2,25 MHz191,2 mmIntégré 17°Linéaire
T1-PE-5.0M32E0.8P5 MHz320.8 mm-Linéaire
T1-PE-5.0M22E0.8P-35WOD5 MHz220,8 mmIntégré 35°Linéaire
T1-PE-5.0M22E0.8P-17WOD5 MHz220,8 mmIntégré 17°Linéaire
T1-PE-7.5M44E0.6P7,5 MHz440,6 mm-Linéaire
T1-PE-7.5M44E0.6P-35WOD7,5 MHz440,6 mmIntégré 35°Linéaire
T1-PE-7.5M44E0.6P-17WOD7,5 MHz440,6 mmIntégré 17°Linéaire
T5-PE-2.25M40E1.2P2,25 MHz401,2 mm-Linéaire
T5-PE-5.0M64E0.8P5 MHz640,8 mm-Linéaire
T5-PE-7.5M88E0.6P7,5 MHz880,6 mm-Linéaire


Référence sabotsDescription
T1-35WOD-REXOSabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1
T1-35WOD-REXO-ISabot irrigué 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1
T1-35WOD-REXO-2’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 2’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-4’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 4’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-6’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 6’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-8’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 8’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-10’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 10’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-12’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 12’’
T1-35WOD-REXO-14’’Sabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T1, usiné pour pipe 14’’
T1-17WOD-REXOSabot 17° pour sonde T1
T1-25.4TOD-REXOSabot droit 0° ondes longitudinales pour sonde T1, épaisseur 25mm
T1-12.7TOD-REXOSabot droit 0° ondes longitudinales pour sonde T1, épaisseur 12mm
T5-35WOD-REXOSabot 35° ondes transversales pour sonde T5
T5-25.4TOD-REXOSabot droit 0° ondes longitudinales pour sonde T5, épaisseur 25mm
T5-12.7TOD-REXOSabot droit 0° ondes longitudinales pour sonde T5, épaisseur 12mm


Référence sabotsDescription
ASM-9038-HY200Câble simple pour sonde T1, connecteur Hypertronics, longueur 2m.
ASM-9039-HY200Câble Y double pour sonde T1, connecteur Hypertronics, longueur 2m.
ASM-9038-IX200Câble simple pour sonde T1, connecteur IPEX, longueur 2m.
ASM-9039-IX200Câble Y double pour sonde T1, connecteur IPEX, longueur 2m.
OptionLongueur supplémentaire de câble pour sonde T1 (par m)
ASM-9048-HY200Câble simple pour sonde T5, connecteur Hypertronics, longueur 2m.
ASM-9048-IX200Câble simple pour sonde T5, connecteur IPEX, longueur 2m.


Many applications require accurate sizing. This can be achieved in various ways, including through the use of encoders and or scanners.

Modular encoder

Modular encoder wheel comes with universal mounting system, ODI-I.

Wire encoder

Encodeur à fil, WS10.

Splitter Y

Splitter Y, allows you to connect two PA probes simultaneously on your electronics. Other adapters available, eg IPEX / Hypertronix


Wide range of scanners to move multiple probes simultaneously STIX here.


To make accurate measurements, we need an accurate calibration. Several blocks of references are available.


The famous Phased Array patented wheel Sonatest is the result of many years of research and meticulous development. It is characterized by a wide tire in deformable rubber whose acoustic impedance is matched to that of water. This generates a low pressure coupling in the test piece, and therefore good quality results without the need for freezing or to large amounts of water.

It is ideally suited to manual scanning large flat or slightly curved surfaces. A central bearing cushioning spring, ensures even pressure coupling along the sensor, even when controlling narrow surfaces. Incorporating a multi-element array of 64 elements with a resolution of 0.8 mm and a high resolution position coder, the wheelprobe provides high quality data, with high accuracy. The area covered is 50mm. For applications that require the coverage of very large areas, we propose a wheelprobe 100 mm using a multi-element array of 128 elements, with a resolution of 0.8 mm and is optimal for control plane parts having a surface horizontal.

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchConnectorsCableDescription
AWP-02-64-08-05-C2 MHz640,8 mmCanon5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-02-64-08-05-OM2 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-02-64-08-05-VEO2 MHz640,8 mmVeo5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-05-64-08-05-C5 MHz640,8 mmCanon5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-05-64-08-05-OM5 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-05-64-08-05-VEO5 MHz640,8 mmVeo5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-10-64-08-05-C10 MHz640,8 mmCanon5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-10-64-08-05-OM10 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-10-64-08-05-VEO10 MHz640,8 mmVeo5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-10-64-08-05-C10 MHz1280,8 mmCanon5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-05-128-08-05-OM5 MHz1280,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-05-128-08-05-VEO5 MHz1280,8 mmVEO5 mCapteur à roue
AWP-5-64-08-105 MHz1280,8 mmVEO10 mCapteur à roue
AWP-2-64-08-102 MHz1280,8 mmVEO10 mCapteur à roue

Also available with Mono sensor element 15 mm, designed to work between 1 MHz and 10 MHz.

Wheelprobe corrosion

The corrosion-wheel sensor has been specifically designed to primarily a plan or circumferential scan. The acceptable minimum diameter of 4 '' (100mm). The adjustment of the probe inspection angle is very quick and can be done just on site using the lever and the guide on the side of the sensor, locking the lever to the desired angle. A longitudinal scan on tube or cylinder is also easy. The minimum diameter for this application is still limited to 4 '' (100mm). For the longitudinal scan, it was necessary to adapt the construction of corrosion-wheel sensor and develop a specific front roller. On tube diameters of less than 24 '' (610mm), this accessory improves stability by supporting the tire. It optimizes the results over a wide range of tube diameters.

Transducer referenceFrequencyNb élémentsPitchConnectorsCableDescription
CWP-05-64-08-05-OM5 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-05-64-08-05-VEO5 MHz640,8 mmVeo5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-02-64-08-05-OM2 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-02-64-08-05-VEO2 MHz640,8 mmVeo5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-10-64-08-05-OM10 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-10-64-08-05-VEO10 MHz640,8 mmOmniscan5 mCapteur à roue
CWP-5-64-08-105 MHz640,8 mm-10 mCapteur à roue
CWP-10-64-08-1010 MHz640,8 mm-10 mCapteur à roue

Slippery probe

Slippery probe was developed with a molded rubber line delay using the same formula as the tire from the wheel sensor.

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Sofranel offers a wide range of non-destructive testing of materials, feel free to download our product catalog to find them.



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